Type K copper tubing measured and called by the Nominal ID, has the thickest wall of all the water tube types. It is used for water distribution, fire protection, oil, and many other applications in the flow industry. Annealed and Made to ASTM B88
Type L copper tubing measured and called by the Nominal ID. It is used for water distribution, fire protection, oil, and many other applications in the flow industry. Annealed and Made to ASTM B88
Refrigeration Copper coils measured and called by the OD, are for air-conditioning and refrigeration field service (ACR) and are cleaned and capped. Annealed and Made to ASTM B280
**All copper pricing subject to market conditions and may be changed to follow**
PSI of Soldered and Brazed Joints
Specifications Chart
Data Sheets-Type K,M,L&ACR
Data Sheets-DWV & Refrigeration Coils
Tubing Wall Thickness & Weights