Additional freight required to ship 20 ft lengths
Manufactured to spec ASTM B88 is the Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube , ANSI/NSF Standard 61 Drinking Water System Components.
All of the specifications require a minimum copper plus silver content of 99.9% and phosphorus content between .015 - .040%. As indicated by the
compositional requirements, the copper tube is essentially lead free.
NSF 61 , Alloy C12200
Called by the NOM ID size Type M is used for domestic water-, service and distribution-, fire protection-, solar-, fuel and oil-, HVAC-, compressed air-, oxygen-, LPG gas-, snow melting-, steam- and vacuum-systems. Copper tubes of Type M copper tubing are typically used with wrot copper fittings. ASTM specifications are B-88.
* Please note that the straight length hard temper copper tubing listed here is called and ordered by the Nominal , ID size. Please reference this size when ordering any copper fittings or plumbing tools.